Marvin Barley
2011-12-07 09:59:57 UTC
Da li i naša Kukuriku koalicija može bez rezanja plaća? Izbor nije
ugodan: rezanje plaća ili rezanje vratova.
Osobno sam za rezanje plaća, jer će ono što preostane biti
racionalnije upotrijebljeno kroz štednju, nego kroz socijalu koja će
se onda suočiti s izborom platiti ljudima režije i pakete hrane ili
početi s ovrhom stanova dužnicima.
Potonja je u projekciji neizbježna ako kriza potraje, otpuste se
stariji radnici koji više ne mogu naći posao, i bez posla ostanu
čitave obitelji. Režije će nastaviti pristizati, 'pučka' daje samo
jedan obrok dnevno, socijala će morati pokriti otpuštene, nekako. Ali
opet - zadirem u ono od čega smo željeli pobjeći: razmazivanje putra
na sve više šnita kruha. To je sve tanji putar, a Bome i sve tanje
Povrh svega ostaje činjenica da Hrvati žele da im netko 'izdila'
izlazak iz krize, a da oni ne daj Bože moraju prstom mrdnuti. Pa nije
se desilo jedno zapošljavanje preko veze na autocesti, nego je u nekim
ustanovama koje neću imenovati 50% ljudi neki rod. I jasno je da rodu
neće dati otkaz.
Situacija je tako nezavidna da ću cross-postati na hr.soc.religija.
U Kristu Isusu (pomozi nam Kristuš)
The Greek parliament has voted by a large majority for a budget aimed
at getting to grips with Athens' debt problems. Premier Lucas
Papademos warned that recovery would take a long time but stressed it
was achievable.
Lawmakers in Greece passed a budget for 2012 committing the government
to tough fiscal goals in an effort to deal with the country's
sovereign debt problem.
Three parties gave overwhelming backing to the budget plan of
caretaker Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, approving fresh measures to
cut government spending.
"This is a difficult budget ... with ambitious targets," Papademos
told parliament just before the vote in the early hours of Wednesday.
The budget was passed by a 258 to 41 majority in the 300-seat
Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des
Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Papademos told parliament the
targets were ambitious"The financial crisis in our country is not a
passing storm," Papademos warned. "Given the size of the problems, our
national effort will not be completed in 2012. It will take many
"We can't afford to keep whining," said the premier. "The targets are
ambitious but feasible."
Papademos had earlier described the budget as a key step in starting
to reverse policies that have burdened each Greek with more than
30,000 euros ($40,000) in state debt.
ugodan: rezanje plaća ili rezanje vratova.
Osobno sam za rezanje plaća, jer će ono što preostane biti
racionalnije upotrijebljeno kroz štednju, nego kroz socijalu koja će
se onda suočiti s izborom platiti ljudima režije i pakete hrane ili
početi s ovrhom stanova dužnicima.
Potonja je u projekciji neizbježna ako kriza potraje, otpuste se
stariji radnici koji više ne mogu naći posao, i bez posla ostanu
čitave obitelji. Režije će nastaviti pristizati, 'pučka' daje samo
jedan obrok dnevno, socijala će morati pokriti otpuštene, nekako. Ali
opet - zadirem u ono od čega smo željeli pobjeći: razmazivanje putra
na sve više šnita kruha. To je sve tanji putar, a Bome i sve tanje
Povrh svega ostaje činjenica da Hrvati žele da im netko 'izdila'
izlazak iz krize, a da oni ne daj Bože moraju prstom mrdnuti. Pa nije
se desilo jedno zapošljavanje preko veze na autocesti, nego je u nekim
ustanovama koje neću imenovati 50% ljudi neki rod. I jasno je da rodu
neće dati otkaz.
Situacija je tako nezavidna da ću cross-postati na hr.soc.religija.
U Kristu Isusu (pomozi nam Kristuš)
The Greek parliament has voted by a large majority for a budget aimed
at getting to grips with Athens' debt problems. Premier Lucas
Papademos warned that recovery would take a long time but stressed it
was achievable.
Lawmakers in Greece passed a budget for 2012 committing the government
to tough fiscal goals in an effort to deal with the country's
sovereign debt problem.
Three parties gave overwhelming backing to the budget plan of
caretaker Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, approving fresh measures to
cut government spending.
"This is a difficult budget ... with ambitious targets," Papademos
told parliament just before the vote in the early hours of Wednesday.
The budget was passed by a 258 to 41 majority in the 300-seat
Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des
Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Papademos told parliament the
targets were ambitious"The financial crisis in our country is not a
passing storm," Papademos warned. "Given the size of the problems, our
national effort will not be completed in 2012. It will take many
"We can't afford to keep whining," said the premier. "The targets are
ambitious but feasible."
Papademos had earlier described the budget as a key step in starting
to reverse policies that have burdened each Greek with more than
30,000 euros ($40,000) in state debt.